“You have a look.”
“Yes, like your own lewk“
“…What’s a lewk?”
Yes, what the heck is a lewk?
A friend of mine used that word to describe one of my instagram looks and I searched in google to see what it meant. Come to find out, a lewk is an another way of describing a signature look specific to you. For example, my husband wears turtlenecks often. So often in fact, when I see a turtleneck advertisement I think of him! The look is so signature to him it’s hard to remember which came first; the invention of the turtleneck or the birth of my husband’s style.
How to Find Your Lewk
What is your personal style? If you had a lewk, what would it be?
Below are a few ways to identify your personal style:
1. Do Morning Pages to Find Consistency in Your Wardrobe
Morning Pages is an activity created by artist and playwright, Julia Cameron. Julia is the author of the well known book The Artist’s Way. In it, Julia describes an exercise to help artists break through writer’s block and discover their focus. The directive is to write continuously for 3-4 pages. This is meant to be a stream of consciousness and less about good writing. After a few weeks, you are invited to look back at your Morning Pages to notice what consistencies pop up. I believe the same exercise can be used to help us find our personal style.
Try to jot down what you wear daily. Only, instead of in the morning try the exercise at the end of your day. After about 4-6 weeks, glance back at your pages to see what clothing is most consistent. Maybe your trend is dainty gold jewelry or two different colored socks! It may not be posh, but hey, its YOU.
2. Notice What Article of Clothing You Wear Daily
What is your go-to? Do you have a favorite top you pull out time and time again? What would others say is your most worn article of clothing? Ask a friend to identify what he/she sees you wear most.
It may be helpful to ask people who know you in different environments. For example, ask your co-workers for their observations but also ask your friends and family outside of work. You can also try asking them to choose one adjective to describe your style and see what commonalities arise!
3. What Do You Feel Most Confident In?
So, what if you don’t like the clothing rut you have fallen into? Have you ever stood in front of your closet feeling uninspired by what you see? Been there! It’s time to purge. Clean out your closet!
When cleaning out your closet, only keep the items that bring you confidence. Hoarders aren’t the only ones that have trouble letting go! Ask yourself, do I like myself when I wear this? If it doesn’t make you feel confident, OFF WITH ITS HEAD and into the Good Will pile it goes!
Narrowing down your clothing options can help you discover your personal style.
4. Consider Other Characteristics Besides Clothing
What about your hair? That counts! Perhaps your thing is wearing your hair up. If that’s you, try wearing deep v-neck shirts and off the shoulder looks to accentuate your collar bone. This will help your thing become an elegant lewk.
What about accessories? It can be as simple as a delicate jewelry you wear daily and a black brimmed hat that give you your edge.
Whatever your style is, unapologetically own it and it will surely become your lewk.