Halloween is upon us and it’s time to celebrate with 5 Halloween Craft Ideas to please your inner child. Let’s be honest, you don’t need to be 6 years old to enjoy coloring. Actually, coloring can be a highly meditative activity for adults. I’m positive there is a study out there claiming the health benefits of staying in the lines!

Needless to say, your inner child is welcome here. It’s time to play! I’ve listed easy and low-cost Halloween projects that are great for doing with friends and family. Take a second to browse through, pick your favorite ideas, and get started before the season is over!
Halloween Craft Ideas
#1. Day of the Dead 2021 Mask

The Mexican holiday, Day of the Dead, is often looped in with Halloween festivities. Day of the Dead is actually a time when family members gather to remember deceased loved ones. The holiday falls right after Halloween on November 1st through the 2nd.
I’ve always been intrigued by the rituals and not to mention, COLORS surrounding the holiday so first on my list of Halloween crafts is creating your own Day of the Dead Mask. I found this mask at Michael’s where they have several different kinds of wood masks. If Day of the Dead is not your thing, Michael’s also has monster and bat masks.

I used regular Crayola Markers to decorate the mask. However, to spice it up you could also use paint pens or Sharpie markers. I highly recommend watching the Day of the Dead Movie, Coco, while you create!
Put on a play with your kids afterward or have a “monsters only” dance party!
# 2: Air Dry Clay Pumpkins
Make little pumpkins as a table centerpiece or as mantel decoration. Air-dry clay is simple to manipulate and dries within 24 hours. To create the pumpkin shape, form a ball with the orange clay. Give the ball a light press at the top to squeeze the shape down into a squatty pumpkin. Use black air-dry clay for the eyes and mouth to make it a jack-o-lantern!
#3: Make Your Dog’s Halloween Costume
In my experience, you either love putting clothes on your dog or are in the anti-clothing camp. If you love originating dog costume ideas for your pup visit my DIY and store-bought ideas for last-minute dog costumes.
#4: Lolly Pop Ghosts
Not going to lie, I make Lolly Pop Ghosts just about every year. I love passing the candy out and what better way than to dress the candy up too? I’ve linked where you can find step by step instructions on how to make Lolly Pop Ghosts in the header! Before you give them all away, tie the ghosts on a string and hang them across your banister. If you are a tacky Halloween decor fan, this activity is for you!
#5: Decorate Rocks for Halloween
This last Halloween craft project is great for decorating your entryway as trick-or-treaters arrive. Have your kids find rocks with flat surfaces from your yard or purchase them here. Use acrylic paint to create Halloween-themed scenes or colors on the rocks. Make sure to wash your rocks and pat them dry before you paint!
Paint a bat, or a witch or simply make your rocks orange, black, and yellow! Place them in a flower pot or line them along your sidewalk to welcome visitors all October long!
Any other ideas? Leave them in the comments below!
~ Alexandria